Where Can I Get a Piece of Flint

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Assorted References

  • main reference
    • (Left) Chert from Pelham, Mass., (right) flint from Sussex and Suffolk

      In chert and flint

      flint, very fine-grained quartz (q.v.), a silica mineral with minor impurities. Several varieties are included under the general term chert: jasper, chalcedony, agate (qq.v.), flint, porcelanite, and novaculite.

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  • composition
    • In radiolarian

      Silica deposits, such as flint, chert, and the abrasive tripoli, originate from radiolarian skeletons. Fossil radiolarians have been found that date to Precambrian Time (3.96 billion to 540 million years ago).

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  • description
    • Smoky quartz from St. Gotthard, Switz.

      In silica mineral: Jasper, chert, and flint

      Jasper is opaque red, brown, or yellow quartz that is pigmented by admixed iron oxides. Chert and flint are finely crystallized varieties of gray to black quartz that occur as nodules or bands in sedimentary rocks.

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  • Neolithic mining
    • Typical development workings of an underground mine.

      In mining: History

      …the first mineral used was flint, which, because of its conchoidal fracturing pattern, could be broken into sharp-edged pieces that were useful as scrapers, knives, and arrowheads. During the Neolithic Period, or New Stone Age (about 8000–2000 bce), shafts up to 100 metres (330 feet) deep were sunk in soft…

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    • La Roche aux Fées

      In Stone Age: Ax factories and flint mines

      Similarly, large nodules of good flint were secured by mining in Poland, Denmark, The Netherlands, England, Belgium, France, Portugal, and Sicily.

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    • hand tools

      In hand tool: Neolithic tools

      …local sources and resulted in flint mining in well-endowed locations in what are now England, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Sicily, and

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  • prehistoric Scandinavia
    • Encyclopædia Britannica: first edition, map of Europe

      In history of Europe: The Bronze Age

      …of devolution but of new flint technologies and new material forms, with a wealth of beautifully manufactured flint daggers and a conspicuous display of local craft. This constituted a distinct local Late Neolithic phase, interspersed between the Corded Ware Culture and the Bronze Age proper. The flint daggers show clear…

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    • cigarette lighters and firearms
      • pistol c. 1540–45

        In wheel lock

        …that pressed a shard of flint or a piece of iron pyrite against an iron wheel with a milled edge; the wheel was rotated and sparks flew. The principle was used in the design of the flint-and-wheel cigarette lighter.

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      • Red Army

        In military technology: The flintlock

        …came from a blow of flint against steel, with the sparks directed into the priming powder in the pan. This lock was an adaptation of the tinderbox used for starting fires.

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    • earthenware
      • In John Astbury

        …(1720) Staffordshire potter to use flint for improving the quality of earthenware mixture by making it whiter. Figures now attributed to him reveal variously toned clays, as well as colours clouded to enrich them. He quite possibly originated the popular pew groups; i.e., two or more rigidly posed, salt-glazed stoneware…

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    • fire-starting devices
      • wildfire

        In fire: Manufacture of fire

        …a chance spark from striking flint against pyrites or a spark made by friction while drilling a hole in wood gave human beings the idea for producing fire is not known; but flint and pyrites, as well as fire drills, have been recovered from Neolithic sites in Europe.

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    • tools
      • In flake tool

        …Stone Age hand tools, usually flint, shaped by flaking off small particles, or by breaking off a large flake which was then used as the tool.

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      • La Roche aux Fées

        In Stone Age: Stone tools

        …of fine-grained rock or of flint where that material was available in large nodules. In Greece and the Balkans, all over central Europe and the Ukraine, and throughout the taiga, adzes were used exclusively, as in the earlier Baltic Mesolithic; in northern and western Europe axes were preferred. In the…

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      • hand tools

        In hand tool: Stone as a material

        Flint, homogeneous and isotropic (having equal properties in all directions), is the rock of first choice for toolmaking. Reasonably well distributed over much of the world, it is an impure quartz, a form of silica, usually opaque and commonly of gray or smoky-brown colour. It…

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    Where Can I Get a Piece of Flint

    Source: https://www.britannica.com/science/flint-mineral

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