How to Keep My Baby Hair From Falling Out

During the get-go few months of your baby's life, it seems similar they change every mean solar day. Some of those changes are exciting—gaining weight, smiling when they wait at you, and belongings their caput upward on their own, just to proper noun a few.

Other changes, notwithstanding, tin exist worrisome, such equally:

  • Cradle cap
  • Baby acne
  • Skin rashes
  • Eczema

These issues ofttimes develop without warning and tin can have you wondering what's going on.

baby hair loss

Mayhap ane of the most worrisome changes is infant pilus loss. The night earlier, your infant seems fine. The next morning, though, you discover a pocket-size clump of hair in their crib. Is this a sign of a larger problem? Should y'all be concerned?

Before you rush to the pediatrician, allow us assure y'all that baby hair loss is completely normal. They're losing their hair for the same reason you lost some hair during your pregnancy (or volition once your piffling i arrives): hormones.

Just what exactly is infant hair loss, and why does it occur? What should concerned parents do if their baby starts to go bald? The experts at Mustela will reply those questions and put all your fears about babe hair loss to rest.

What Is Baby Hair Loss & Why Does It Happen?

baby hair loss reason

Before we get into the specifics of babe hair loss, it's important to note that the scientific term for this status is telogen fetor. This term tin be both deceiving and alarming because telogen fetor tin exist used to refer to a wide variety of hair loss in babies, children, and adults.

But most likely, none of the serious causes listed for telogen effluvium—like physical or emotional stress, chronic illness, and anemia—are behind your baby'due south hair loss.

Hair has a growth phase and a resting stage. During the resting phase, the hair remains in the follicle until new hair starts to abound.

Every bit we get older, nigh five to fifteen percent of hair on the scalp is typically in the resting phase at whatever i time, but stress, fever, or a hormonal change can crusade a big number of hairs to cease growing all at once.

Considering a newborn's hormone levels fluctuate significantly correct afterwards birth, it may cause them to lose the hair they were born with. Their trunk is processing out their mother's hormones and replacing them with something more suitable for their new environment exterior the womb.

Babe Hair Loss Is Normal

Whether your baby loses a few tufts of hair here and there or goes completely bald, information technology'due south nothing to worry about.

The reason most adults immediately jump to the worst conclusion is because sudden hair loss (telogen fetor) later on in life is usually a symptom of a larger problem. Over again, that's ofttimes not the example for infants.

The fluctuating hormones that are probable the trigger for their pilus loss are a natural part of the growth process.

How To Recognize Normal Baby Hair Loss

newborn with baby hairloss

Normal baby hair loss will non carp your babe in any way, shape, or form. They won't even experience information technology or know that it's going on!

Hither are the signs of natural baby hair loss:

  • Hair in your footling one'south crib, stroller, or any place where they rest their caput
  • Loose strands of hair in your hand after you lot caress your baby'due south head
  • Hair in the bath or on the towel you use to dry out them off
  • Hair leftover in a lid later you take it off (particularly noticeable during the winter)

If these are the only signs you come across, there's no demand to worry — your newborn is just going through a new stage in their development.

If your little ane starts to human activity differently around the same time you notice the pilus loss, visit your pediatrician merely to exist sure.

Will Your Baby'due south Hair Regrow?

Yes, your little i'south hair will regrow, then, again, in that location'due south no demand to panic.

In some newborns, the process happens slowly then that losing hair and growing new hair happen at the same time. While you may notice hair in your hand or in their crib, you may non see a pregnant deviation in the wait of your little i's hair.

In other babies, the process happens quickly and your newborn may get completely baldheaded in a affair of days.

Both situations are normal and the pilus will come back in the weeks and months to follow. Don't exist surprised, though, if the new pilus looks dissimilar than the hair they were born with. It's non uncommon for your baby'south locks to change completely subsequently this initial hair loss.

When your piddling one's hormone levels stabilize, their hair may be blonde even though it started out equally brown. Information technology may go from curly to straight or from thick to sparse. The terminate upshot depends on your infant's genes and the new hormones they produce as they grow.

When Does Babe Hair Loss Occur?

Well-nigh infants will lose some or all of their hair in the first half dozen months after they're born.

There'due south no ready schedule, so information technology could happen right abroad after they come abode from the hospital or it could agree off until they're rolling from their back to their tummy and sitting up on their own.

Fortunately, near babies will regrow their hair completely by the time they turn one. Even if they start losing their hair at six months quondam, everything will likely be dorsum to normal in some other six months.

What To Do If Your Baby Starts To Lose Their Hair

mom laying with baby

Keep in listen that your babe is losing hair as a result of a natural process that's occurring inside their body, which means that in that location's very trivial you tin practise to prevent the state of affairs.

You can, nonetheless, help to minimize it by following these unproblematic suggestions.

1) Don't Panic

Almost x times out of 10, your infant's hair loss will exist the upshot of the normal fluctuations in hormone levels that nosotros mentioned before as their body metabolizes your hormones and replaces them with more than appropriate, and much gentler, newborn hormones.

That said, there's still a very small-scale gamble that their pilus loss could be the consequence of some other cause. Equally soon every bit you notice that your baby's hair is thinning, you should start to wait for other symptoms every bit it'due south frequently better to be overly cautious in situations like these.

ii) Look For Other Symptoms

I of the biggest indicators that something more serious is happening with your baby is a modify in beliefs associated with their hair loss.

Is your little 1 sleeping less for no apparent reason? Are they refusing to consume foods they liked before? Are they interim foreign?

These are non indicators in and of themselves (babies change the way they slumber, eat, and act all the time), but they can alert you lot to an underlying problem. Some symptoms to keep an middle out for include:

  • Patchy bald spots with red, flaky scales
  • Isolated polish, round, totally bald areas
  • Swelling of the tongue and effectually the optics, coupled with cool, pale skin
  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Languor
  • Jitteriness

None of these symptoms indicate a life-threatening disease, but it'due south important to consult a doctor for farther advice if y'all notice them in your baby.

Note that hair loss can likewise be caused by external forces that have nothing to do with your babe's hormones.

If y'all regularly put your babe's pilus in a ponytail (of any size or at whatsoever location on their head), the tightness of the ponytail may upshot in hair loss. Even excessive twirling or hair pulling (by your babe) can cause irregular patches to autumn out.

iii) Observe The Mode Your Baby Sits And Sleeps

baby hair loss prevention

Another external cistron that may contribute to your infant's pilus loss is the mode they sit and sleep. When you commencement to pay attention, you lot may find that your babe spends a lot of time in the same position.

For example, when they sleep, they turn their head to the right to look at the world outside their crib. Then when they sit in their car seat, they plow their head to the right to await out the window.

Spending too much time in one position can put pressure on your picayune one's skin, creating friction that may crusade hair loss. If your babe usually sleeps with their head at ane end of the crib, try putting them downwards with their caput at the other finish of the crib for a dark or ii

4) Encourage Tummy Time

baby hair loss treatment

Every young baby should spend time on their tum. Non but does this give the dorsum of their caput a rest and minimize hair loss, just it's also essential for their overall health and physical development.

When a baby'south on their tum, they take to piece of work to lift their caput, to turn their neck, to run into mom and dad, and to interact with the earth.

Ultimately, tummy time helps your baby acquire to push up, gyre over, sit upwards, crawl, and eventually stand—all important developmental milestones in your baby's life.

Y'all can start practicing tummy time right away later on your baby's born. Until they learn to move their head finer on their own, keep an eye on them while they're in this position. If they fall asleep, exist certain to turn them over onto their back.

Keep in mind that tummy time should only take identify when yous can supervise. Never permit your baby sleep on their tummy until they tin can roll themselves all the way over.

5) Treat Your Baby's Scalp Gently

Even though you can't prevent hair loss altogether, you tin minimize the effects by treating your baby's scalp and hair gently.

Hither are some simple suggestions:

  • Avoid headbands
  • Don't tie braids or ponytails as well tight
  • Comb your baby's hair with a soft baby castor
  • Simply comb hair once every other day
  • Skip styling your baby'southward pilus
  • Don't dry out their hair with a hairdryer
  • Don't put a hat or cap on their head if information technology'southward hot outside

    6) Don't Wash Your Baby's Hair Every Day

    baby in bath with washed hair

    One of the all-time things you lot can do to minimize the effects of babe hair loss is to avoid washing your baby's pilus every 24-hour interval. Fifty-fifty a gentle washing and the light friction of your hands confronting their scalp can accelerate the hair loss.

    When you do launder, apply a infant-formulated shampoo, similar Mustela'southward Gentle Shampoo or Cream Shampoo For Newborns, and exist extra gentle so you don't stress the scalp and hair follicles even more.

    7) Accept Baby Hair Loss Every bit Natural

    Understand that even if you do everything on this list, your baby may still lose some or all of the pilus they were born with. Again, don't panic. The hair will come back with fourth dimension.

    The best affair you can exercise is accept your little one'south hair loss equally a natural part of growing up. We suggest keeping some of the hair they lose in an envelope every bit a reminder of their outset few months.

    Just imagine how much fun it will exist when they're older to prove them the direct blonde hair they were born with and compare information technology to the dark-brown curly hair they have now.

    Mention Baby Hair Loss To Your Pediatrician If Necessary

    If you're worried virtually your babe'southward hair loss, or if y'all discover any of the symptoms mentioned early in the article, talk to your pediatrician right away.

    The doc volition either confirm that the problem is simply a outcome of hormones, or she'll exist able to let yous know if it'due south more serious. Either way, it volition set up your heed at ease and make yous feel meliorate. And that's good for both yous and your baby.

    For more helpful communication on pregnancy, parenting, and all things baby and mommy skincare related, visit today.


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